Media and technology are useful tools in the classroom, serving the educational purpose of engaging students’ interest. However, before popping in a video to use with a lesson plan or copying information from the Internet, it is important to realize there are ethical and legal issues regarding the use of educational media materials. As a new teacher it is important to be able to identify ethical and legal responsibilities regarding the use of technology and media in the classroom.
There are several act according to copyright and Internet Ethics For Educational Malaysia
- Copyright Act of 1976
- copyright owners have the right to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute, perform, display, transfer ownership, rent or lend their creations.
2. Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA)
- acceptable use of copyright protection technologies
- copyright infringement for 'commercial or private financial gain'
- outlines exception for 'non-profit libraries, archives and educational institution
3. Copyright Act of 1976 defines 'Fair Use' as :
- reproduction of copyright word for purposes like critism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship or research.
The differences between FREEware and SHAREware are the FREEware is free to share and use but SHAREware must be purchased after trial period.
The Commandments of Computer Ethics
Thou shalt not :
- use computer to harm other people
- interfere with other people's computer work
- snoop around in other people's computer files
- use computer to steal
- use computer to bear false witness
- copy or use software which you have to not paid
Thou shalt :
- think about social consequences of program
- always use computer in ways that ensure consideration and respect for humans